Melody Molander

UC Santa Barbara


Home Research Teaching Quantum Algebra & Topology Seminar Talks Graduate Quantum Algebra & Topology Seminar Outreach

Graduate Quantum Algebra and Topology Seminar at UC Santa Barbara

Organizers: Aaron Bagheri and Melody Molander

For Fall 2022, this seminar will be joint with the UCSB Quantum Algebra & Topology Seminar.

Winter 2023 Schedule: (mostly following "Braid Groups" by Kassel and Turaev)

Fall 2022 Schedule: (mostly following "Exercises in Quantum Algebra" by Penneys)

Winter 2022 Schedule: (following "The 3-manifold invariants of Witten & Reshetikhin-Turaev for sl(2,\(\mathbb{C})\)" by Kirby and Melvin)

Fall 2021 Schedule: (following "Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds" by Turaev):