Melody Molander

UC Santa Barbara


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Graduate Quantum Algebra and Topology Seminar at UC Santa Barbara

Organizers: Quinn Kolt and Melody Molander

The Graduate UCSB Quantum Algebra and Topology Seminar is a weekly seminar for graduate students and postdocs. Typically, every quarter we pick a topic to learn about and have weekly discussions. We also occasionally have speakers, typically on Zoom, to speak on their current research. These talks are for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty and are indicated in the below schedules by a *.

Fall 2023

Reference: "Quantum Theory for Mathematicians" by Hall


Spring 2023

Topic: Homological Representations of the Braid Groups

Reference: "Braid Groups", by Kassel and Turaev


Winter 2023

Topic: Braid Groups

Reference: "Braid Groups", by Kassel and Turaev


Fall 2022

Topic: An Overview of Quantum Algebra

Reference: "Exercises in Quantum Algebra" by Penneys


Spring 2022


Winter 2022

Topic: 3-manifold Invariants

Reference: "The 3-manifold invariants of Witten & Reshetikhin-Turaev for sl(2,\(\mathbb{C})\)" by Kirby and Melvin


Fall 2021

Topic: Quantum Invariants

Reference: "Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds" by Turaev
